Scotland and Ukraine win the UEFA Nations League

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Ukraine win the UEFA Nations League

The Republic of Ireland vs Ukraine

Scotland and Ukraine overcame their failure to qualify for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, by defeating Armenia and Ireland 2-0 and 1-0, respectively, in Group A at the second level of the European Nations League.

The Scottish team failed to qualify for the final match of the European play-off that qualifies for the World Cup, after losing 1/3 at home to Ukraine, which in turn lost 1-0 to Wales in the final match.

In the first match, Anthony Ralston advanced for the Scottish team in the 28th minute, before his colleague Scott McKenna added the second goal in the 40th minute.

Scotland won the first three points of its first match in the group, after missing the first round of its participation in the European play-off against Ukraine, which was absent from the same round for the same reason.

In the second match, Ukraine managed to snatch the victory from Ireland with a goal scored by Viktor Tsygankov in the 47th minute.